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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Last days of summer

WHERE did summer go???

This morning I looked at my deck flowers and were shocked that those gorgeous flowers that I nurtured and tended over the spring and summer now have vines that look like Witch's crooked fingers!! Wow. When did that happen??  Although, I do have to say I'm pretty impressed with myself... normally the flowers look like this by mid-July when I get tired of dealing with them.

Pretty scarey looking flowers eh???

For the ugliness of the ever expiring summer deck flowers... there are the grapes.  Waiting to be harvested and made into Jelly!!! The beautiful dark purple concord grapes are hanging from my arbor begging to be plucked!  I'm excited to make my jelly.  I found ot last year that my jalepeno grape jelly was a huge success.  It was in high demand!  I could not find a recipe for it so I did research and made my own.  Hopefully I'll remember how I did it because I didn't write it down. WHOOPS!

"Pick me! Pick me!!"
Summer is slowly moving to fall. Oh how I hate hate hate saying goodbye to summer. 


  1. How do I get some of the coveted jalepeno grape jelly???

  2. What do you have to trade Lynney?????

  3. Holy Grapes!!! How cool is that Jan? And I'd love to taste the jelly. MMMMMMMM

  4. I'm hoping I can get that grape jelly done before you go back to Colorado Hef. Bring a lil MN grape jelly back to CO!
